Thursday, 18 March 2010


We, at the college library where I work, have been considering setting up a Facebook page for a while. Taking lots of Oxford's libraries Facebook pages as inspiration, we've been attracted by the following opportunities:

* NEWS UPDATES - Facebook allows libraries to provide up-to-the-minute library news that some of our students may be interested in, but that we feel doesn't justify more of our emails in our students' email accounts. This would have been particularly useful when a large part of our collection was being transferred to a different room in the library. Those who were interested in the books that were being moved wanted to know where they were and where they were going to be and when, but many students were unaffected by it. Essentially, Facebook allows library users to find out about the library if they want to, and if they're not interested, they won't be bothered by us; we can be open, pro-active, communicative without being nagging, 'in their faces', and disturbing with information they don't want.

* RSS FEEDS - RSS feeds from relevant blogs can be displayed on Facebook pages.

* PHOTOS/VIDEOS - Facebook allows libraries to make photos and videos accessible online.

* GENERAL INFORMATION - With Facebook we may promote libraries/let our communities know who we are and what we offer easily.

* LINKS - Libraries can make a Facebook page almost like a portal; to provide links to library resources online. They may even connect their Delicious accounts to Facebook.

* COMMENTS/MESSAGES - Facebook provides an easy opportunity for library users to contact library staff.

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